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USB-C Power Delivery for hamradios
Powering qrp tranceiver or charging HTs on the go has become quite easey with USB-C.
USB-C Power Delivery (PD) is a fast charging standard that allows for higher power
transmission over USB-C connections and cables. Unlike older USB standards, which were
typically limited to 2.5 to 15 watts, USB-C PD can support much higher power levels,
up to 100 watts. This makes it suitable for a wider range of devices, including smartphones,
tablets, laptops, and even ham radio equipment :-)
To signalize the USB Charger (or Power Bank) which Voltage the internal DC/DC converter should
delivere, a "PD-Trigger" circuit is required.
The common voltage levels provided by USB-C PD are: 5V, 9V,12V,15V and 20V
I've been using a 12V PD-Triger circuit (sourced from Amazon) now for almost one year to charge my
Yaesu FT-70D during biz-tripps. So I can let the bulky Yaesu charger at home and use my USB-C phone
charger also for the HT.
Now I've build two additional adapters to e.g. supply my QDX tranceiver-
I will try this minimal FT8 setup on my next trip.